Problem: 73 is not a number

Code: 73+is+not+a+number/tails_1708929033

Nibbles version: 0.2 | 0.21 | 0.22 | 0.23 | 0.24 | 0.25 | 1.00

Format: Compact | Simple | +Type | Table | JSON | .nbl (DeBruijn) | .nbl (names)

0| filter[int]
* 1| filter[int]
** 2`, range from 0[int]
*** 3;$ = sndIntint
** 2% modulusintA:int
*** 3$ = Aint
*** 3@ = fstIntint
* 1~ notnull
* 1>> tail[[chr]]B:int
** 2`% split list (keep empties)[[chr]]
*** 3`p int to str[chr]
**** 4$ = Bint
*** 3`p int to str[chr]
**** 4@ = fstIntint