Problem: Life Liberty and Property

Code: Life+Liberty+and+Property/tails_1681268499

Nibbles version: 0.2 | 0.21 | 0.22 | 0.23 | 0.24 | 0.25 | 1.00

Format: Compact | Simple | +Type | Table | JSON | .nbl (DeBruijn) | .nbl (names)

. (map) 
    - (diff) 
        `$ (uniq) 
            `< (sort) 
                ; (let) -->let( A ) 
                    \ (reverse) 
                        ;_ (= allInput) 
        ".\n" (string) 
    ~ (tuple) <--arg( B ) 
        ; (let) -->let( H ) 
            + (sum) 
                ! (zip with) 
                    > (drop) 
                        22 (integer) 
                        \ (reverse) 
                            `@ (to base) 
                                ~ (auto = 10) 
                                `* (product) 
                                    : (append) 
                                        + (add) 
                                            ^ (pow) 
                                                ~ (auto = 10) 
                                                21 (integer) 
                                            : (append) 
                                                1 (integer) 
                                                _ (= fstInt) 
                                        `@ (from base) 
                                            ~ (auto = 10) 
                                            . (map) 
                                                \ (reverse) 
                                                    @ (= A) 
                                                == (equal?) <--arg( C ) 
                                                    $ (= C) 
                                                    _ (= B) <--arg( D ) 
                    _ (= A) <--arg( E ) 
                    ~ (zipop: by) 
                    ? (index) <--arg( G F ) 
                        < (take) 
                            $ (= G) 
                            "." (string) 
                        @ (= F) 
        ^ (replicate) 
            $ (= H) 
            @ (= B) 

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