Problem: Pandigital Roman Numerals

Code: Pandigital+Roman+Numerals/tails_1643878500

Nibbles version: 0.2 | 0.21 | 0.22 | 0.23 | 0.24 | 0.25 | 1.00

Format: Compact | Simple | +Type | Table | JSON | .nbl (DeBruijn) | .nbl (names)

Note: This code seems to be written in Nibbles version >= 0.21 and < 1.00

(implicit map):[[[chr]]] 
    `* (nary cartesian product):[[chr]] 
        . (map):[[chr]] 
            \ (reverse):[[chr]] 
                `/ (chunks of):[[chr]] 
                    ~ (auto = 2):auto 
                    "IVXLCDM" (string):[chr] 
            ^ (replicate):[chr] <--arg( A:[chr] ) 
                1 (integer):int 
                $ (= A):[chr] 
    % (split (remove empties)):[[chr]] <--arg( C:[chr] B:[chr] ) 
        (implicit arg = C):[chr] 
        (implicit arg = C):[chr] 

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