Problem: Print boop ten times

Code: Print+boop+ten+times/tails_1662000293

Nibbles version: 0.2 | 0.21 | 0.22 | 0.23 | 0.24 | 0.25 | 1.00

Format: Compact | Simple | +Type | Table | JSON | .nbl (DeBruijn) | .nbl (names)

(implicit string concatenation):[chr] 
    (implicit map):[chr] 
        `@ (to base):[int] 
            ~ (auto = 10):auto 
            7543772372 (integer):int 
        = (subscript (wrapped)):chr <--arg( B:int A:int ) 
            $ (= B):int 
            -~ (strip):[chr] 
                : (append):[chr] 
                    "b" (string):[chr] 
                    : (append):[???] 
                        <~ (take while):[[chr]] 
                            ; (save):[[chr]] -->let( C:[[chr]] ) 
                                `/ (chunks of):[[chr]] 
                                    ~ (auto = 2):auto 
                                    "\x04g" (string):[chr] 
                            \ (reverse):[???] <--arg( D:[chr] ) 
                                - (diff):[???] 
                                    : (append):[???] 
                                        (sorry, i don't understand this code. please report.):??? 
                                        , (range from 1):[int] 
                                            ~ (auto = infinity):auto 
                                    : (append):[???] 
                                        (sorry, i don't understand this code. please report.):??? 
                                        (sorry, i don't understand this code. please report.):??? 
                        (sorry, i don't understand this code. please report.):??? 
    `- (list difference):[[chr]] 
        - (diff):[chr] 
            + (concat):[chr] 
                $ (= C):[[chr]] 
            "p" (string):[chr] 
        (implicit arg = E):chr <--arg( E:chr ) 
        (implicit arg = C):[[chr]] 

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