Problem: The 9801 debacle

Code: The+9801+debacle/tails_1705026998

Nibbles version: 0.2 | 0.21 | 0.22 | 0.23 | 0.24 | 0.25 | 1.00

Format: Compact | Simple | +Type | Table | JSON | .nbl (DeBruijn) | .nbl (names)

0implicit string concatenation[chr]
* 1"0." string[chr]
* 1>> tail[chr]
** 2`p int to str[chr]
*** 3+ addint
**** 4/ divideint
***** 5; saveintB:int
****** 6^ powint
******* 7~ auto = 10auto
******* 7* multiplyint
******** 8; saveintA:int
********* 9^ powint
********** 10;$ = sndIntint
********** 10-2 integerint
******** 8, lengthint
********* 9`p int to str[chr]
********** 10$ = Aint
***** 5;_ = sndIntint
**** 4implicit arg = Bint