Problem: numof 1 bits in 0 to 255

Code: numof+1+bits+in+0+to+255/darrenks_1645107937

Nibbles version: 0.2 | 0.21 | 0.22 | 0.23 | 0.24 | 0.25 | 1.00

Format: Compact | Simple | +Type | Table | JSON | .nbl (DeBruijn) | .nbl (names)

0implicit string concatenation[chr]
* 1+ concat[chr]
** 2;@ = allLines[[chr]]
* 1. map[int]
** 2`, range from 0[chr]
*** 3ch chrchr
**** 4~ auto = 256auto
** 2+ sumintA:chr
*** 3`@ to base[int]
**** 42 integerint
**** 4implicit arg = Achr