Problem: chemical equation

Code: chemical+equation/darrenks_1640289938

Nibbles version: 0.2 | 0.21 | 0.22 | 0.23 | 0.24 | 0.25 | 1.00

Format: Compact | Simple | +Type | Table | JSON | .nbl (DeBruijn) | .nbl (names)

0: append[chr]
* 1: append[chr]
** 2: append[chr]
*** 3: append[chr]
**** 4: append[chr]
***** 5: append[chr]
****** 6"2" string[chr]
****** 6`( uncons[chr]A:[[chr]]
******* 7% split (remove empties)[[chr]]
******** 8@ = fstLine[chr]
******** 8~ auto = wordsauto
***** 5"+" string[chr]
**** 4^ replicate[chr]
***** 5/ divideint
****** 6, lengthint
******* 7_ = fstLine[chr]
****** 66 integerint
***** 5"5" string[chr]
*** 3+ concat[chr]
**** 4$ = A[[chr]]
** 2"->" string[chr]
* 1* join[chr]
** 2"+" string[chr]
** 2. map[[chr]]
*** 3% split (remove empties)[[chr]]
**** 4;_ = sndLine[chr]
**** 4~ auto = wordsauto
*** 3: append[chr]B:[chr]
**** 4`# hashmodint
***** 5$ = B[chr]
***** 55 hashmod argnull
**** 4$ = B[chr]

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